SoSco's Joyful Concert of Holiday Music: Front Porch Performance series | |
Event Type: All Ages Age Group(s): Family - All Ages Date: 12/14/2024 Start Time: 1:00 PM End Time: 2:00 PM Description: Long post office lines and jam-packed store aisles can bring out the Grinch in anyone. If the hustle and bustle of the holiday crunch has you on edge, SoSco Flute & Guitar Duo’s holiday program is just the
Library: Fountain Hills Branch Library location peaceful pause you need. The duo has prepared a unique hour-long joyful concert of soothing music. The performance will be an oasis of calm that takes you to a place where you can reflect on the gentle meaning of the season. Funded by the Fountain Hills Friends of the Library Location: Reading Lounge Other Information: Funded by the Friends of the Fountain Hills Library
Presenter: SoSco Duo |