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* 2025 Reading Challenge registration
* My First Escape Room: Bluey
* EVENT FULL: Dot Painted Rocks
* As You Wish Instructional Painting
* Parkinson's Support Group
* Tales with Tails: Read to a Therapy Animal
* Teens Play! Magic: The Gathering
* Nonfiction Book Club Interest Meeting


* Enfoque en Recursos Digitales-Libby
* What's Happening At Fountain Hills Library
* Recipe Swap
* Senior Social Hour
* Time for Preschoolers
* Baby Time
* EVENT FULL: Baby Playdate
* EVENT FULL: Baby Playdate
* Non-Fiction Book Group: Knife: Meditations after an Attempted Murder
* Senior Connections
* NEW DATE: Mad Science Presents Mineral Mania
* Family Pajama Storytime
* Felt Hair Barrettes CANCELLED
* Dominoes and Dice Night for Adults

* Baby Time @ 9:30
* Crafts for Adults-Birdseed Ornaments
* Resume Development Workshop - By Appointment Only
* Storytime
* Toddler Storytime
* EVENT FULL S.T.E.A.M. for Preschoolers
* EVENT FULL: Family Storytime
* Toddler Storytime
* Baby Time @ 10:30
* Toddler Storytime
* EVENT FULL: Family Storytime
* Family Storytime
* Online Author Talk with Sabrina Sholts
* EVENT FULL: Embroidery Hoop Flower Holder (Adult Craft)
* Sourdough 101
* Light Up Robotics
* The Council
* Lego Club
* Teen Leadership Club
* Tween Club: Marshmallow Engineering
* Adult Crafting Adventures: Floral Burst Painting on Canvas
* Game Night
* Grown-Up Show & Tell

* Toddler Time @ 9:30
* Baby Time
* Flamenco Dance and History by Yumi La Rosa
* EVENT FULL: Family Storytime
* EVENT IS FULL Toddler Storytime with Miss Paige
* Toddler Storytime
* Toddler Time @ 10:30
* Baby Time
* EVENT FULL: Family Storytime
* EVENT IS FULL Toddler Storytime with Miss Paige
* Family Storytime
* Apple iPhone Help Table
* Mystery Book Club
* Gaming Club
* Mad Scientist
* Walk in Wednesday: Oil Pastel Hearts
* EVENT FULL: Love Bug Crafts!
* Crafting Together
* Mad Scientist

* Preschool Storytime ! @ 930
* EVENT FULL: One-on-One Device Help
* Playdate at the Library
* Preschool Storytime
* Time for Toddlers
* Baby Time
* Family Storytime
* Preschool Storytime ! @ 1030
* Preschool Storytime
* Legends of the Old West
* Cozy Crafters - Knit, Crochet, and Crafting
* Hobby Haven
* Murder and Mayhem Book Club
* Android Phone Help Desk
* Mystery Book Club
* Puzzle Tournament!!!
* Service in the Library: Valentine Cards
* Stories & Songs
* TBR Book Club
* Teen DIY: Wire-wrapped pendants
* Pajama Storytime
* Teen Movie Night: A Cinderella Story

* AARP Tax Aide - By Appointment Only
* Adult Crafting Hour: Book Page Wreath
* Preschool Playdate
* THIS EVENT IS FULL - Gentle Outdoor Yoga
* "Let's Talk" ESL Conversation Group
* THIS PROGRAM IS FULL Playdate At The Library
* Yoga
* Ask A Master Gardener
* Craft and Chat
* Fabric Heart Doorknob Hangers for Adults
* Family Flicks Fridays: Princess and the Frog
* Family Movie Night
* Paper Flowers- For Teens and Tweens

* AARP Tax Aide - By Appointment Only
* Sensory Playtime
* Ask A Master Gardener
* Crafting with a Purpose
* Water Workshop: Pruning Desert Plants & Trees
* Read to Critters
* Partner Painting Party
* Sand Art: UFO
* Adult - Book Roses

* FULL - Reading Practice with Sir Oakley the Great

* Alphabet Storytime: Letter V!
* Readers Rendezvous
* Time for Preschoolers
* Baby Time
* EVENT FULL: Baby Lapsit
* Read With a Cop !
* Monday Morning Fiction Book Discussion: The Women
* EVENT FULL: Baby Lapsit
* Senior Connections
* CANCELED Medicare On the Move
* Sci-Fi/Fantasy Book Club: The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin
* CANCELLED: Beyond the Kitsch
* Picture Perfect Science
* Manga Monday
* Spoiler Alert: A Teen Book Club
* Tween - 3D Comic Art
* Line Dancing at the Library

* Baby Time @ 9:30
* Digital Library Help
* Job Search Assistance - By Appointment Only
* Sourdough 101
* Storytime
* Toddler Storytime
* EVENT FULL S.T.E.A.M. for Preschoolers
* EVENT FULL: Family Storytime
* Toddler Storytime
* Baby Time @ 10:30
* Toddler Storytime
* Unified Mindfulness 1st of 3-Part Series
* EVENT FULL: Family Storytime
* Family Storytime
* Simple Crafts for Adults-Seashell Trinket dish
* Lego Club
* Tender Little Hearts Mini Tales
* Tween Club: Reflective Valentines
* Online Author Talk with Waubgeshig Rice
* Guided Meditation
* EVENT FULL: Movie & Craft Night For Adults - The Mummy (1999)
* FULL - Date Night @ the Library: Map Heart Art
* Bibliobop ! A Kid's Dance Party

* Toddler Time @ 9:30
* Baby Time
* Embroidery 101
* EVENT FULL: Family Storytime
* THIS EVENT IS WAITLIST ONLY Toddler Storytime with Miss Paige
* Toddler Storytime
* Toddler Time @ 10:30
* Baby Time
* Marker Tie-Dye
* EVENT FULL: Family Storytime
* Family Storytime
* Toddler Storytime with Miss Paige
* Book 'Em: A Mystery Book Club
* The Abe Lincoln You Did Not Know
* Apple iPhone Help Table
* EVENT FULL: Salvador Dali art for adults
* Gaming Club
* Teen Manga Book Club
* Walk in Wednesday: Valentine Cards
* Title Wave
* Heart Pinch Pot
* Lego Brick Buddies
* Watercolor Cacti Paintings- For Teens and Tweens
* DnD Adventure Club
* Family Art Hangout

* Preschool Storytime ! @ 930
* Crafting Together: Canvas Painting
* Department of Veterans' Services Q&A
* EVENT FULL: One-on-One Device Help
* Preschool Storytime
* Time for Toddlers
* Baby Time
* Baby Time
* Family Storytime
* Preschool Storytime ! @ 1030
* Preschool Storytime
* Cozy Crafters - Knit, Crochet, and Crafting
* Hobby Haven
* Android Phone Help Desk
* Crafty Adults - Sea Glass Vase with Paper Flowers
* Letter Craft: B is for Bear!
* Creative Explortaion: Pocket Hug Crochet Heart
* Heart Art Canvas- For Teens and Tweens
* Stories & Songs
* CANCELLED: Teen Craft
* Teen Crafternoon: Books to Buttons
* Adult Cinema Club
* Thursday Night Film Club

* AARP Tax Aide - By Appointment Only
* EVENT FULL: Valentine Keepsakes for Little Ones
* "Let's Talk" ESL Conversation Group
* Yoga on the Lawn
* EVENT FULL: Valentine Keepsakes for Little Ones
* CANCELLED: Master Gardener Presents: Grow Your Own Food
* Clarinets del Sol
* Book Club is My Alibi- The Heiress
* Teen After Hours: Hunger Games!

* AARP Tax Aide - By Appointment Only
* Story Lab
* White Tank Library Puzzle Club
* Teen Craft Club- Pins
* Unsolved Case Files
* PHXJAZZ-Front Porch Performance

* Yoga @ the Library
* Out of the Kitchen: Foodie Book Club



* Baby Time @ 9:30
* Interview Workshop - By Appointment Only
* Storytime
* Toddler Storytime
* EVENT FULL: Family Storytime
* Toddler Storytime
* Baby Time @ 10:30
* Toddler Storytime
* Unified Mindfulness 2nd of 3-Part Series
* EVENT FULL: Family Storytime
* Family Storytime
* Online Author Talk with Lee Hawkins
* Tween Club: Toothbrush Art.
* Book Chat
* Historical Fiction Book Club
* Open Tech Help
* Latch Hook for Beginners- For Teens and Tweens
* The Council
* Teen Leadership Club
* Growing Fruit in the Desert
* Tabletop Tuesday - Adult Game Night
* Fables and Fun

* Toddler Time @ 9:30
* Baby Time
* Workshop Writing: Family Myths, Mysteries, Legends, Lore, and Secrets
* EVENT FULL: Family Storytime
* THIS EVENT IS WAITLIST ONLY Toddler Storytime with Miss Paige
* Toddler Storytime
* Resume Workshop
* Toddler Time @ 10:30
* Baby Time
* EVENT FULL: Family Storytime
* Family Storytime
* Toddler Storytime with Miss Paige
* Genealogy Workshop
* Homeschool Full STEAM Ahead!
* Interview Skills Workshop
* Apple iPhone Help Table
* Phoenix Art Museum: Masterworks at the Phoenix Art Museum
* Gaming Club
* Mystery Incorporated
* Readers' Roundtable BOOK CLUB
* Hobby Haven at Fairway Library
* Teen Pop-Up Craft
* Walk in Wednesday: Paper Heart STEM Challenge
* Art Connection: Part 1
* Crafting Together
* Book Club
* Lettering & Doodles

* Preschool Storytime ! @ 930
* Crafting Together: Relaxing Zentangles
* EVENT FULL: One-on-One Device Help
* Playdate at the Library
* Preschool Storytime
* Time for Toddlers
* Baby Time
* EVENT FULL: Baby Jam Band
* Family Storytime
* Preschool Storytime ! @ 1030
* EVENT FULL: Baby Jam Band
* Preschool Storytime
* Cozy Crafters - Knit, Crochet, and Crafting
* Art Exploration for Adults: Paper Flowers
* Hobby Haven
* Android Phone Help Desk
* Adventurer's Guild
* Stories & Songs
* Around the World: Scandinavia
* El Mirage Garden Club
* Teen - No Sew Heart Pillows
* Canvas Painting
* Full STEAM Ahead

* AARP Tax Aide - By Appointment Only
* EVENT FULL: Toddler Playdate
* "Let's Talk" ESL Conversation Group
* Farkle Friday
* Yoga
* Sound Healing Meditation
* Sound Healing Meditation
* Adult Social Hour: Movie Matinee - Wings (1927)
* EVENT FULL: Cookbook Club

* AARP Tax Aide - By Appointment Only
* Crafting with a Purpose
* EVENT FULL: Weekend Playdate!
* Kids Craft Corner: Paper Heart Rockets
* Saturday Concert with The Cafe Flutes
* Drop-in Craft: Fairy Tale Puppet Theater
* The Perry Bookworms: Minecraft Edition
* Interactive Family Movie Matinee


* Storytime With Miss Paige
* Campfire Magazine
* Digital Resources Presentation
* Time for Preschoolers
* Baby Time
* EVENT FULL: Baby Lapsit
* Baby Lapsit
* Adult Fiction Book Club
* Homeschool @ Perry Library
* Adult Fiction Book Club
* Minecraft Monday- RESCHEDULED
* Teen Craft Lab: Bag Charms & Keyrings
* Adult Game Night @ Your Library
* Line Dancing at the Library
* Pokemon Card Game!

* Baby Time @ 9:30
* Book Club - Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow
* Digital Library Help
* Storytime
* Toddler Storytime
* EVENT FULL: Family Storytime
* Toddler Storytime
* Baby Time @ 10:30
* Bookends: Adult fiction discussion group: The Air Raid Book Club
* Toddler Storytime
* Family Storytime
* Family Storytime
* Sonoran Book Club
* Tween Creativity Corner-Fingerprint Fun
* Explore STEM Family Night
* Lego Club
* Tween club: Bingo Day
* Guided Meditation
* Sound Healing Meditation
* All Books Considered: Evening Book Club - The Rom-Commers by Katherine Center
* Keepsake Boxes
* Understanding Medicare
* Read it and Weep: A Romance Book Club !

* Toddler Time @ 9:30
* Baby Time
* Family Storytime
* Toddler Storytime
* Toddler Storytime with Miss Paige
* Toddler Time @ 10:30
* Baby Time
* Family Storytime
* Family Storytime
* Toddler Storytime with Miss Paige
* Plant-Based Power: A Journey to Health & Wellness
* Crafts & Tails
* Apple iPhone Help Table
* Gaming Club
* Grounds for Thought Book Discussion
* Games Unplugged
* Walk in Wednesday: BINGO
* Book Club - Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow
* Exploration Station
* Story Vibe: Epic Read-Alouds for Tweens
* Art Connection: Part 2
* Experiment Time!
* DnD Adventure Club
* Agatha Christie's The Mystery of Hunter's Lodge
* QC Lego Club

* Preschool Storytime ! @ 930
* Cancelled: One-on-One Device Help
* E-Resource Help-Hoopla
* Internet Basics
* Preschool Storytime
* Time for Toddlers
* Baby Time
* Baby Time
* Cactus craft for kids
* Family Storytime
* Preschool Storytime ! @ 1030
* Preschool Storytime
* Cozy Crafters - Knit, Crochet, and Crafting
* Fiction and More Book Club
* Hobby Haven--CANCELLED
* Android Phone Help Desk
* Stories & Songs
* Teen Challenge: Escape Room
* Teens Craft Around the World!
* Campfire Magazine

* AARP Tax Aide - By Appointment Only
* Apple iCloud in Detail
* "Let's Talk" ESL Conversation Group
* Embroidery for Beginners
* The Ed Robson Film Society - Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009)



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