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Baby Lapsit

Event Type: Infants
Age Group(s): Infants
Date: 7/2/2019
Start Time: 10:15 AM
End Time: 10:45 AM
 Introduce baby the joys of reading! Infants (ages 0-18 months) and their grownups will enjoy a special one-on-on storytime designed to encourage the development of language and motor skills through stories, songs , rhymes, movement and fingerplays.

Registration and/or tickets are not required, but space is limited for safety and comfort. To provide quality one-on-one bonding time, and to accommodate all participants, we politely ask that older siblings not attend these storytimes. Please ask about our storytimes for toddlers, preschoolers, and families.
Library: Southeast Regional    Library location
Location: The Dig (Event Room in Children's Section)
Contact: Jere Johnston
Contact Number: 602-652-3213